One of the most common questions we are frequently asked at G&A Martin Solar is, “Should I get my solar panels cleaned?”


Not surprisingly, the answer is yes, you need to get your solar panels cleaned and there are a few specific reasons as to why.

Did you know that solar panels work their magic by capturing energy from light? The more light they can absorb, the more power they generate. But here’s the catch: those gleaming panels of renewable energy goodness can become victims of their own success. Yes, we’re talking about dirtiness!

In the land Down Under, where we proudly harness the sun’s energy, solar panels are particularly susceptible to the elements. Bird droppings, dust, pollen, dirt, and even rain leave behind stubborn residues that accumulate over time. It’s like a layer cake of grime, silently sabotaging your panels’ optimal performance.

So, what’s the big deal with a little dirt, you ask? Well, imagine this: each smudge and speck of grime acts like a sunshade, depriving your panels of the glorious sunlight they crave. It’s like putting sunglasses on your solar superheroes, blocking their energy-absorbing powers and leaving them less capable of delivering their maximum output.

Technology giant, Google, performed a study to show the difference in output between dirty and clean panels. This study is so simple that you could perform it at home on your own solar panels.

Step One: Record the current output of your panels BEFORE CLEANING THEM.

Take a peek at the display on the Solar Power meter, and you’ll be greeted with a wealth of information. Look for the current output reading, usually expressed in kilowatts (kW) or watts (W). This reading showcases the amount of electricity your panels are generating at that precise moment.

Step Two: Clean your panels (either yourself or arrange to have to have them cleaned).

To clean the panels yourself, you’ll need a soft brush with long bristles, a gentle detergent or cleaning solution, a hose or bucket of water, and a squeegee or soft cloth for drying. Turn off your solar system and ensure that you’re using a stable ladder or platform to access the panels. Wear appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and non-slip footwear, to protect yourself during the cleaning process.

Step Three: Record the panel production AFTER CLEANING.

For the tech-savvy and data-hungry solar enthusiasts out there, online monitoring systems are the cherry on top. These sophisticated platforms connect your solar power meter to the digital realm, giving you access to comprehensive performance data from any device with an internet connection. Imagine being able to check your panel’s output while sipping a cup of coffee, all from the comfort of your living room!

Ready to see Googles results?  Here are the results of the Google solar cleaning research they carried out on their own 16mW solar panel installation.

  • Google concluded that dirty solar panels will have a negative impact on their performance.
  • The first time Google cleaned their solar panels was 15 months after their solar panel array had been installed.
  • After that first solar panel cleaning session, their output doubled on some solar panels.

The second time Google cleaned their panels was 8 months later. Google experienced yet another boost in efficiency, this time of 36%.

Overall, the study found that after cleaning their solar panels, all of the solar panels increased their output by at least 12% (and up to a whopping 50%).

You can read the full google study here >>


The Google Solar study proves what every solar provider claims. Clean solar panels produce more energy. The more energy your solar panels produce, the sooner you’ll be paid back on your solar investment. So, if you haven’t already, it’s time to get them cleaned.  As a matter of fact, you should do it regularly. We suggest multiple times per year.

But fear not, fellow clean energy enthusiasts! There’s a simple solution that can make a world of difference to your energy production: regular solar panel cleaning. By giving your panels the TLC they deserve, you can unleash their full potential and boost your energy generation like never before.

Picture this:

A team of dedicated professionals armed with high-pressure hoses, eco-friendly cleaning agents, and a mission to banish dirt from your beloved solar panels. They scale rooftops, equipped with the knowledge and expertise to restore your panels to their sparkling glory. It’s like a superhero cleaning squad, saving the day and ensuring your panels bask in the sun’s unfettered embrace.

When you invest in regular solar panel cleaning, you’re not just saying goodbye to unsightly grime; you’re saying hello to optimal performance and increased energy generation. It’s like giving your panels a refreshing shower, rejuvenating their power-absorbing abilities and allowing them to shine brighter than ever before.

So, don’t let dirt dim your solar dreams. Embrace the power of clean panels and watch as your energy production soars. Reach out to our expert team at G&A Martin Solar and Electrical, and let us unleash the true potential of your solar system through regular cleaning.

Remember, a little cleanliness goes a long way in the world of solar energy. Let’s wipe away those obstacles and pave the way for a brighter, more efficient future!

Clean panels, bright skies, and boundless energy await. Are you ready to take the leap?

Disclaimer: Superhero capes not included, but we promise to bring the cleaning magic!

Call G&A Martin Solar now on 1300 969 683 and get your solar panel cleaned today!